(too old to reply)
2008-06-30 01:53:30 UTC
This is not my writing and I do not necessarily stand by or guarantee
any of the facts or statements made but present it as "food for thought"
and topics to be researched at this most important time in the history
of the U.S.



Illegal = Illegal
By David J. Smith
Webster¹s Unabridged Dictionary gives the following definition for
ILLEGAL: ³Not according to, or authorized by law; contrary to, or
violating human law; unlawful; illicit.²

On the CNN Lou Dobb¹s show for Dec. 26, 2006 there was a female guest
host. She interviewed the mayor of a town that had passed ordinances
forbidding illegal aliens from holding jobs, renting or buying a home,
or travel through their town. The city has been sued by the American
Civil Liberties Union [ACLU]. The mayor said the case would probably go
all the way to the Supreme Court.

The host sitting in for Lou Dobbs NEVER asked a question concerning
ILLEGAL status of these immigrants. The whole segment was to make
anyone, in this case the mayor, look like a racial bigot for not
allowing these illegal immigrants into the town with FULL rights as a

The ACLU would not appear on the show, but gave a written statement. The
statement said the mayor could not and has not shown that these illegal
aliens had caused any problem. The mayor whipped back that the city
council had furnished a long list including murder before 100 witnesses.
He made the ACLU look like just what they are ­ enemies of freedom in

The ACLU was founded by Marxist/ Communist Roger Baldwin. He stated the
purpose of the ACLU was to bring about Socialism/Communism in America.
Most of their affiliated lawyers do not understand nor are informed of
their long-range objectives. The ACLU only takes cases that tend to
undermine the Constitution and National Security. They pretend to be a
patriotic group, but a review of the court cases that have hurt the
cause of freedom is always an ACLU lawyer.

Not once mentioned by the stand-in for Lou Dobbs was the FACT that
illegal aliens ARE ILLEGAL!!! They are in America contrary to our laws
concerning legal immigration. Being an illegal alien makes you an
automatic FELON!

Let an American get a speeding ticket, and you pay. Let an illegal alien
come into our country in violation of the law, contrary to the law,
unlawfully, and illicitly, and they receive welfare, free hospital care,
and free education for their children. These are just a few reasons
given by the mayor that was interviewed for closing the city to illegal
aliens. He made it very clear that LEGAL immigrants were welcome, but
not the illegal.

The purpose for allowing illegal aliens cross into the United States is
to further weaken our nation internally. Those working for world
government want the North American Community made up of Canada, Mexico,
and the United States as a stepping-stone to world government. The have
done the same with the European Union, SEATO, and now they are dividing
up North and South America into two sections: 1) South America as one
trading block, and 2) the North American Community as a further trading

Every trading block ends up eroding a nation¹s national sovereignty and
constitution that protects the people from a world tyranny. Communism
said they would surround the United States, and it would be the last
bastion of capitalism [freedom]. It would fall, and world government
would be achieved.

Five major problems working against America are at work right now: 1)
The Communist United Nations; 2) Russia pretending to collapse, so we
would not look upon them as an enemy any longer; 3) Trade agreements
with Central and South America that are stripping our national
sovereignty; 4) Illegal immigration to over-burden our infrastructure
and cause it to collapse; 5) Jihad declared by radical Islam because of
American presence on sacred Islamic soil.

The average American knows nothing of these problems and WHY they are
happening to us. The national news media, with one or two exceptions,
suppress the truth. The major news media, located in New York, is
controlled by individuals working for world government! The whole
purpose of the media is to hide the truth from the American people by
diverting their attention to foreign wars or scandals in government.

ILLEGAL = ILLEGAL!!! Your attention is never riveted to the FACT that
illegals are law-breakers and felons! We hear every argument why they
should be allowed to remain in America and take our jobs and use our
welfare and educational system ­ but never the FACT that ILLEGAL =
ILLEGAL no matter how you slice it!!!

However, Daniel 12: 7 [last] says that God will allow the scattering of
the holy people. The Supreme Court on Feb. 29, 1892 declared we were and
still are a Christian nation, founded upon Christian principles. That is
why we are at war on every front ­ many still believe in the Bible and

In much love,

David J. Smith
John Smith
2008-06-30 08:59:08 UTC
Post by seektruth
This is not my writing and I do not necessarily stand by or guarantee
any of the facts or statements made but present it as "food for thought"
and topics to be researched at this most important time in the history
of the U.S.
"Food for thought"?
The crap in this bellowing is so ancient and corrupt, it is rancid.
Post by seektruth
Illegal = Illegal
By David J. Smith
Webster¹s Unabridged Dictionary gives the following definition for
ILLEGAL: ³Not according to, or authorized by law; contrary to, or
violating human law; unlawful; illicit.²
On the CNN Lou Dobb¹s show for Dec. 26, 2006 there was a female guest
host. She interviewed the mayor of a town that had passed ordinances
forbidding illegal aliens from holding jobs, renting or buying a home,
or travel through their town. The city has been sued by the American
Civil Liberties Union [ACLU]. The mayor said the case would probably go
all the way to the Supreme Court.
As it should.
Post by seektruth
The host sitting in for Lou Dobbs NEVER asked a question concerning
ILLEGAL status of these immigrants. The whole segment was to make
anyone, in this case the mayor, look like a racial bigot for not
allowing these illegal immigrants into the town with FULL rights as a
Legal citizenship status is a concern of the federal government - not some
local podunk town.
ALL the town has a right to do is turn such aliens over to the FEDERAL

It is NOT up to the mayor to decide who has full citizenship rights.
The Constitution follows the concept of the FACT that no one is allowing
anything to anyone ..... they would say that the MAYOR does NOT have the
RIGHT to create a law like this.

(In the Roe vs. Wade abortion case - the decision was not htan anyone had a
right to an abortion - but that the State of Texas did NOT have the right,
wisdom or power to define when life begins .... and, therefore, could not
enact a law based on their own speculation).
Post by seektruth
The ACLU would not appear on the show, but gave a written statement. The
statement said the mayor could not and has not shown that these illegal
aliens had caused any problem. The mayor whipped back that the city
council had furnished a long list including murder before 100 witnesses.
He made the ACLU look like just what they are ­ enemies of freedom in
Maybe to those already ignorantly, and fanatically, biased against the

You CANNOT deprive a group of people of anything - just because SOME of them
MAY have committed crimes.
AS I recall - the vast number of crimes in this nation are committed by
black people. That does NOT give ANYONE the right to deprive ALL black
people of their Constitutional rights ... and it CERTAINLY does not give the
mayor of "Podunk USA" that right!
Post by seektruth
The ACLU was founded by Marxist/ Communist Roger Baldwin. He stated the
purpose of the ACLU was to bring about Socialism/Communism in America.
Most of their affiliated lawyers do not understand nor are informed of
their long-range objectives. The ACLU only takes cases that tend to
undermine the Constitution and National Security. They pretend to be a
patriotic group, but a review of the court cases that have hurt the
cause of freedom is always an ACLU lawyer.
Nothing more than outrageous, foaming at the mouth, ignorant Bull SHIT!
Post by seektruth
Not once mentioned by the stand-in for Lou Dobbs was the FACT that
illegal aliens ARE ILLEGAL!!! They are in America contrary to our laws
concerning legal immigration. Being an illegal alien makes you an
automatic FELON!
But the laws that the "Mayor of Podunk" tried to enact are NOT related to
the activities he tried to make illegal.
ALL HE HAS A RIGHT TO DO is turn the illegal aliens in to the federal
He does NOT have the authority to go insanely beyond that into the
Nazi-esque, Reich wing field he has treaded on.
Post by seektruth
Let an American get a speeding ticket, and you pay. Let an illegal alien
come into our country in violation of the law, contrary to the law,
unlawfully, and illicitly, and they receive welfare, free hospital care,
and free education for their children. These are just a few reasons
given by the mayor that was interviewed for closing the city to illegal
aliens. He made it very clear that LEGAL immigrants were welcome, but
not the illegal.
Having an argument against the privledges illegal aliens get is valaid, but
has NOTHING TO DO with a small town mayor enacting illegal laws to deprive
them of other actions.
Post by seektruth
The purpose for allowing illegal aliens cross into the United States is
to further weaken our nation internally.
I'll bet you think the death of JFK involved a conspiracy between Martians
and Antarians.

(snip remaining, insane, blather.)
2008-06-30 22:37:27 UTC
Post by John Smith
Post by seektruth
This is not my writing and I do not necessarily stand by or guarantee
any of the facts or statements made but present it as "food for thought"
and topics to be researched at this most important time in the history
of the U.S.
"Food for thought"?
The crap in this bellowing is so ancient and corrupt, it is rancid.
Post by seektruth
Illegal = Illegal
By David J. Smith
Webster¹s Unabridged Dictionary gives the following definition for
ILLEGAL: ³Not according to, or authorized by law; contrary to, or
violating human law; unlawful; illicit.²
On the CNN Lou Dobb¹s show for Dec. 26, 2006 there was a female guest
host. She interviewed the mayor of a town that had passed ordinances
forbidding illegal aliens from holding jobs, renting or buying a home,
or travel through their town. The city has been sued by the American
Civil Liberties Union [ACLU]. The mayor said the case would probably go
all the way to the Supreme Court.
As it should.
And the city will win. It's already law in Arizona, and Mississippi.
Post by John Smith
Post by seektruth
The host sitting in for Lou Dobbs NEVER asked a question concerning
ILLEGAL status of these immigrants. The whole segment was to make
anyone, in this case the mayor, look like a racial bigot for not
allowing these illegal immigrants into the town with FULL rights as a
Legal citizenship status is a concern of the federal government - not some
local podunk town.
Yes it is. A person, city, or state, cannot aid and abet illegal
aliens. That is the law.
Post by John Smith
ALL the town has a right to do is turn such aliens over to the FEDERAL
It is NOT up to the mayor to decide who has full citizenship rights.
The Constitution follows the concept of the FACT that no one is allowing
anything to anyone ..... they would say that the MAYOR does NOT have the
RIGHT to create a law like this.
(In the Roe vs. Wade abortion case - the decision was not htan anyone had a
right to an abortion - but that the State of Texas did NOT have the right,
wisdom or power to define when life begins .... and, therefore, could not
enact a law based on their own speculation).
There is no speculation, life begins at conception, and abortion is murder.
Post by John Smith
Post by seektruth
The ACLU would not appear on the show, but gave a written statement. The
statement said the mayor could not and has not shown that these illegal
aliens had caused any problem. The mayor whipped back that the city
council had furnished a long list including murder before 100 witnesses.
He made the ACLU look like just what they are ­ enemies of freedom in
Maybe to those already ignorantly, and fanatically, biased against the
If you will take time to do a little research, you will find that you
are in the minority. Most people know that the ACLU is out to destroy
this country.
Post by John Smith
You CANNOT deprive a group of people of anything - just because SOME of them
MAY have committed crimes.
All illegal aliens have committed crimes. Including identity theft,
which is a felony. Many have been deported, and have returned, which is
a felony, punishable by ten years in prison, and a $250,000 fine.
Post by John Smith
AS I recall - the vast number of crimes in this nation are committed by
black people. That does NOT give ANYONE the right to deprive ALL black
people of their Constitutional rights ... and it CERTAINLY does not give the
mayor of "Podunk USA" that right!
We are discussing illegal aliens, not American citizens.
Post by John Smith
Post by seektruth
The ACLU was founded by Marxist/ Communist Roger Baldwin. He stated the
purpose of the ACLU was to bring about Socialism/Communism in America.
Most of their affiliated lawyers do not understand nor are informed of
their long-range objectives. The ACLU only takes cases that tend to
undermine the Constitution and National Security. They pretend to be a
patriotic group, but a review of the court cases that have hurt the
cause of freedom is always an ACLU lawyer.
Nothing more than outrageous, foaming at the mouth, ignorant Bull SHIT!
It's true. You are ignorant.
Post by John Smith
Post by seektruth
Not once mentioned by the stand-in for Lou Dobbs was the FACT that
illegal aliens ARE ILLEGAL!!! They are in America contrary to our laws
concerning legal immigration. Being an illegal alien makes you an
automatic FELON!
But the laws that the "Mayor of Podunk" tried to enact are NOT related to
the activities he tried to make illegal.
The mayor doesn't agree with you.
Post by John Smith
ALL HE HAS A RIGHT TO DO is turn the illegal aliens in to the federal
He does NOT have the authority to go insanely beyond that into the
Nazi-esque, Reich wing field he has treaded on.
You just lost your argument.
Post by John Smith
Post by seektruth
Let an American get a speeding ticket, and you pay. Let an illegal alien
come into our country in violation of the law, contrary to the law,
unlawfully, and illicitly, and they receive welfare, free hospital care,
and free education for their children. These are just a few reasons
given by the mayor that was interviewed for closing the city to illegal
aliens. He made it very clear that LEGAL immigrants were welcome, but
not the illegal.
Having an argument against the privledges illegal aliens get is valaid, but
has NOTHING TO DO with a small town mayor enacting illegal laws to deprive
them of other actions.
It's illegal for anyone to help and illegal alien. That means renting
to them. If a landlord does have a reasonable idea that the people he
is renting to are illegal, he is aiding and abetting illegal aliens, and
can go to prison.
Post by John Smith
Post by seektruth
The purpose for allowing illegal aliens cross into the United States is
to further weaken our nation internally.
I'll bet you think the death of JFK involved a conspiracy between Martians
and Antarians.
(snip remaining, insane, blather.)
What an idiot.
2009-05-26 01:59:25 UTC
Post by j***@.
Post by John Smith
Post by seektruth
This is not my writing and I do not necessarily stand by or guarantee
any of the facts or statements made but present it as "food for thought"
and topics to be researched at this most important time in the history
of the U.S.
"Food for thought"?
The crap in this bellowing is so ancient and corrupt, it is rancid.
Post by seektruth
Illegal = Illegal
By David J. Smith
Webster¹s Unabridged Dictionary gives the following definition for
ILLEGAL: ³Not according to, or authorized by law; contrary to, or
violating human law; unlawful; illicit.²
On the CNN Lou Dobb¹s show for Dec. 26, 2006 there was a female guest
host. She interviewed the mayor of a town that had passed ordinances
forbidding illegal aliens from holding jobs, renting or buying a home,
or travel through their town. The city has been sued by the American
Civil Liberties Union [ACLU]. The mayor said the case would probably go
all the way to the Supreme Court.
As it should.
And the city will win. It's already law in Arizona, and Mississippi.
Post by John Smith
Post by seektruth
The host sitting in for Lou Dobbs NEVER asked a question concerning
ILLEGAL status of these immigrants. The whole segment was to make
anyone, in this case the mayor, look like a racial bigot for not
allowing these illegal immigrants into the town with FULL rights as a
Read for yourself what was said!

ROMANS: It's one small city in America and it's at the forefront of
the battle against illegal immigration. Hazleton, Pennsylvania has
become a model for other communities trying to stem illegal
immigration within their own city limits. But Hazleton now faces
expensive legal challenges for those efforts. The mayor of Hazleton
though says he won't back down and he joins me now. Mayor Lou Barletta
of Hazleton, Pennsylvania, welcome back to the program.

LOU BARLETTA, MAYOR, HAZLETON: Nice to be here. ROMANS: Now Escondido
yielded in California to the pressure that it was getting from groups
who said you can't do this. And in fact, turned around and even paid
the people that were suing it. Are you daunted at all by that?

BARLETTA: No, I'm not. You know, I'm sorry to hear what happened in
Escondido, however we do things a little differently in Hazleton. We
put together one of the finest legal defense teams in the country.
Some of it is pro bono, some of it at discounted rates. Our insurance
carrier is also covering us as well as we started a defense fund,
smalltowndefenders.com where people from all over America are helping
us defend ourselves.

ROMANS: Mayor, one attorney with the national ACLU had this to say
about the Escondido move and how it relates to Hazleton and other
towns. Quote, "Other cities that have similar legislation should heed
the lesson of this case. These ordinances will not withstand
challenge, and must be repealed."

You've had -- you have suffered some legal setbacks in the course of
this legislation. Are you concerned?

BARLETTA: Well, we have. The plaintiffs who are suing us, the judge
has ordered that their identities will be kept confidential from even

ROMANS: So you're being sued by people who are not being identified?

BARLETTA: Absolutely. We don't know who these people are, where they
live, where they work. They could be invisible for all we know.
Unfortunately, we will heed that challenge and continue on. We're not
going to back down and we'll fight this all the way to the supreme
court if we have to.

ROMANS: Now the ACLU declined our request or our invitation to appear
on the program with you tonight. But we did get several statements.
And I've spoken to Vic Walczak who is the person for the ACLU in
Pennsylvania who has been on this case.

"The mayor was unable to give statistics to support claims of problems
illegal aliens have caused to Hazleton. There was no evidence to
support any of his claims. He gave no details of actual problems
illegal aliens are causing in Hazleton."

He says that he deposed you for some seven hours in the course of this
litigation and in fact he couldn't come back with any kind of clear,
concise data about just what harm illegal immigration is doing to your
town. How do you respond to that?

BARLETTA: That's quite amusing. Apparently he forgot the illegal alien
that shot two people on a busy street with hundreds of teenage
high-schoolers standing nearby, killing one. Apparently he forgot
about the 29-year-old that was shot between the eyes by two illegal
aliens costing the city thousands of dollars. Apparently he forgot
about the 14-year-old illegal alien who was shooting a gun on a
playground. Or the drug dealers, over half last year, who were illegal
aliens. And apparently he forgot the statistic that over half of our
entire budget for overtime in the police department was spent on one
homicide committed by illegal aliens.

If he wanted more statistics, I gave them to him. The school district,
for example, English as a second language. In the year 2000, the
budget was $500. Last year, that budget now is $1,145,000. So he may
have to refresh himself on the notes from that deposition.

ROMANS: Let me ask you. So often people like the ACLU and some of the
open borders lobby, they say this is war on immigration and on
immigrants. You have told me before that that is simply not the case,
that this is something to preserve a town for legal immigrants and for
citizens. Explain that a little bit.

BARLETTA: That's correct. We are not rolling out the welcome mat for
legal immigrants. However illegal aliens are destroying the quality of
life and we simply cannot absorb the cost in our small budget where we
cannot -- we can no longer provide the level of public service to the
legal, hard working taxpayers of our community. This does not mean
that we don't welcome legal citizens. Illegal is illegal and it
shouldn't go any further than that.

ROMANS: So how far now does this legal battle go?

BARLETTA: Well this battle right now is in federal court here in
Scranton, Pennsylvania. From there, it will most likely go to the
third circuit court in Philadelphia. And I believe it will finally end
up in the Supreme Court. We are one small city with limited resources,
but we have a big heart who won't back down from this fight.

ROMANS: Let me ask you, is there a way mayor to write this legislation
to make everyone happy? Is there a way to still preserve what you're
trying to do, and that is to stem illegal immigration within your city
limits, but at the same time satisfy the folks who say this is some
kind of racism?

BARLETTA: No, there's no race in illegal. Illegal is illegal and we
have. The ordinance that is before counsel and before the judge right
now, we feel, does not regulate immigration in any way. We punish
businesses that hire unlawful workers and landlords that harbor
illegal aliens.

As far as the illegal immigrants, we leave that up to the federal
government. Nobody in the city of Hazleton will be determining
anyone's immigration status. And I believe we have found a way to
defend ourselves and we're willing to fight to prove that.

ROMANS: Is there a point, Mayor, where this becomes too costly, where
you have to throw in the towel?

BARLETTA: Well there are 25 lawyers on the other side suing us and the
ACLU has a lot of money, and we are one small city. We've set up a
legal defense fund, city of Hazleton legal defense fund and anyone in
America and they have already that wants to help us fight, can do so
through this Web site. The Escondidos in this country, as well as
Farmer Branch and many other cities, this fight, the battleground is
really in Hazleton, Pennsylvania right now.

ROMANS: That's true. I spoke with somebody from the ACLU several
months ago actually who said that Hazleton is our Alamo, meaning they
were really going to focus on this case and hope that it would deter
other communities from doing the same that you are.

BARLETTA: Well, I could tell them that this is one mayor that will
never stop fighting for the people in my community.

ROMANS: Mayor Lou Barletta, thank you so much for joining us.

BARLETTA: Thank you.

Post by j***@.
Post by John Smith
Legal citizenship status is a concern of the federal government - not some
local podunk town.
Yes it is. A person, city, or state, cannot aid and abet illegal
aliens. That is the law.
Post by John Smith
ALL the town has a right to do is turn such aliens over to the FEDERAL
It is NOT up to the mayor to decide who has full citizenship rights.
The Constitution follows the concept of the FACT that no one is allowing
anything to anyone ..... they would say that the MAYOR does NOT have the
RIGHT to create a law like this.
(In the Roe vs. Wade abortion case - the decision was not htan anyone had a
right to an abortion - but that the State of Texas did NOT have the right,
wisdom or power to define when life begins .... and, therefore, could not
enact a law based on their own speculation).
There is no speculation, life begins at conception, and abortion is murder.
Post by John Smith
Post by seektruth
The ACLU would not appear on the show, but gave a written statement. The
statement said the mayor could not and has not shown that these illegal
aliens had caused any problem. The mayor whipped back that the city
council had furnished a long list including murder before 100 witnesses.
He made the ACLU look like just what they are ­ enemies of freedom in
Maybe to those already ignorantly, and fanatically, biased against the
If you will take time to do a little research, you will find that you
are in the minority. Most people know that the ACLU is out to destroy
this country.
Post by John Smith
You CANNOT deprive a group of people of anything - just because SOME of them
MAY have committed crimes.
All illegal aliens have committed crimes. Including identity theft,
which is a felony. Many have been deported, and have returned, which is
a felony, punishable by ten years in prison, and a $250,000 fine.
Post by John Smith
AS I recall - the vast number of crimes in this nation are committed by
black people. That does NOT give ANYONE the right to deprive ALL black
people of their Constitutional rights ... and it CERTAINLY does not give the
mayor of "Podunk USA" that right!
We are discussing illegal aliens, not American citizens.
Post by John Smith
Post by seektruth
The ACLU was founded by Marxist/ Communist Roger Baldwin. He stated the
purpose of the ACLU was to bring about Socialism/Communism in America.
Most of their affiliated lawyers do not understand nor are informed of
their long-range objectives. The ACLU only takes cases that tend to
undermine the Constitution and National Security. They pretend to be a
patriotic group, but a review of the court cases that have hurt the
cause of freedom is always an ACLU lawyer.
Nothing more than outrageous, foaming at the mouth, ignorant Bull SHIT!
It's true. You are ignorant.
Post by John Smith
Post by seektruth
Not once mentioned by the stand-in for Lou Dobbs was the FACT that
illegal aliens ARE ILLEGAL!!! They are in America contrary to our laws
concerning legal immigration. Being an illegal alien makes you an
automatic FELON!
But the laws that the "Mayor of Podunk" tried to enact are NOT related to
the activities he tried to make illegal.
The mayor doesn't agree with you.
Post by John Smith
ALL HE HAS A RIGHT TO DO is turn the illegal aliens in to the federal
He does NOT have the authority to go insanely beyond that into the
Nazi-esque, Reich wing field he has treaded on.
You just lost your argument.
Post by John Smith
Post by seektruth
Let an American get a speeding ticket, and you pay. Let an illegal alien
come into our country in violation of the law, contrary to the law,
unlawfully, and illicitly, and they receive welfare, free hospital care,
and free education for their children. These are just a few reasons
given by the mayor that was interviewed for closing the city to illegal
aliens. He made it very clear that LEGAL immigrants were welcome, but
not the illegal.
Having an argument against the privledges illegal aliens get is valaid, but
has NOTHING TO DO with a small town mayor enacting illegal laws to deprive
them of other actions.
It's illegal for anyone to help and illegal alien. That means renting
to them. If a landlord does have a reasonable idea that the people he
is renting to are illegal, he is aiding and abetting illegal aliens, and
can go to prison.
Post by John Smith
Post by seektruth
The purpose for allowing illegal aliens cross into the United States is
to further weaken our nation internally.
I'll bet you think the death of JFK involved a conspiracy between Martians
and Antarians.
(snip remaining, insane, blather.)
What an idiot.